In the last two decades, we have seen a very rapid technological change. The things which were used for marketing in the last two decades are all outdated today. Now everything is happening through digital media and it is also growing very fast. In such a situation, it becomes very important that if we are business owners, then we should also make changes in ourselves according to this digital world.

This digital world in which we are hearing new names like e-commerce, digital marketing, and website designing these days started long back. Today many website development companies are providing modern web development services. Planning was started about the first website in 1991 which was first published in November 1992. This first website was a text-based website with only text and some hyperlinks. There were only two colors in it, black-colored text and blue-colored hyperlinks.

It may seem out of date and absurd in the face of today’s new methods, but according to those times, going live on a webpage was a big deal in itself. As time progressed, with time there were changes in website design and other aspects. Today we are going to inform you about some of the main changes that have happened in the field of website design in the last two decades. Let’s start:


  1. UI UX Design Changes: It is the most important part of any website and mobile application. In this section, we brainstorm about what the website will look like and what color combinations should be used in it. It plays a very important role in website designing, based on this it is ensured that how many customers will stay on your website for how long.In the initial phase, when the trend of the website was started, at that time there was only a text-based website, in which they were created using some basic HTML tags. In this, the table tag was usually used the most, with the help of which we used to represent some kind of list and represent any data. As the changes took place, there was an improvement in the method and technology of website designing.

    Today we have many technologies available to develop a website in which we can create any type of website as per our choice. Technology has become so advanced today that we have so much power that we can add any type of feature to the website as per our wish.

    If we are not able to create a website with the help of coding, then we have many other types of platforms where we can create and prepare our website within a few minutes. Because learning coding is not a matter for everyone, then for this we can use a content management system like WordPress. In this, we can design any type of website in a few hours and that too a professional-looking website.

    Now you can guess that in the early days when we used to be happy when a website with text and hyperlinks went live, today we can design a modern-looking website in a few hours. This change is unimaginable and with its help, a lot of our work has become easier and it is changing very fast so that it should be able to give us more facilities.

  2. Speed ​​and Optimization: In any field, as something or technology upgrades itself, then people’s tendency towards it starts increasing. More and more people want to join it by taking interest in it and are eager to solve their problems. Something similar happened in the area of ​​the website as well. In the year 2000, there were about 360 million users on the Internet all over the world, but today this figure has increased to about 5 billion. Now you can imagine how challenging it is to manage so much internet traffic.In such a situation, we get to see many new problems, such as the website taking more time to load. If the website will load slowly then the user will switch or will not like to visit your website again. To solve this problem, there are options available to us today, which there are many options like Search Engine Optimization, Website Optimization, Image Compression, Backlink Analysis, and many more.

    Website speed optimization mainly searches for all the errors of the website due to which it is loading slowly. Trying to increase the speed of the website as much as possible. Along with this, it is also ensured that the coding is very clean and we can give a good experience to the customer. In the initial days of the website, we could not even think about it because there was no such problem and there was not that much traffic. As we progress in any field, new challenges come to us and for that, we have to find new solutions.

  3. E-commerce Launch: As the popularity of the website increased, many of us also realized the importance of it and decided to use it in a better way to make our work easier. Today we are seeing that all the work which we used to do 5 to 6 years ago on our own is being done today from our home itself. In e-commerce, mainly on the website, you get all the things for which you once had to go to the market.E-commerce started growing very fast about 5 years ago. With the help of the internet, people all around started getting information about eCommerce and people started understanding about it. Because e-commerce gives us many features, with the help of which we can provide even better service, that’s why its trend grew so fast. It is also a successful business model in which we can grow manifold within a few months.

    In the initial phase, we would never have imagined that one day the Internet will become so useful for our lives that it will change the way we live. The e-commerce industry is such a big industry in itself that without it, it is almost impossible to be successful in your business. To set up an e-commerce store, we have several online platforms like Shopify, Woo-commerce, etc.

  4. Change in Marketing Techniques: We are all aware of this that a few years ago, to advertise our business, we prefer using the newspaper or printing pamphlets like posters, etc. But today these old methods of advertising have been destroyed by digital marketing. Now almost no one does door-to-door marketing or putting up posters or banners. There are two main reasons behind this, first of which the cost is very high and the returns are very less. The second main point is that with the help of this we cannot track how many people have seen our advertisement.Using digital technologies, we can easily reach our potential customers. At the same time, we can also track how many people viewed our advertisement and we can also retarget and remarket them. In this, we get very high returns at less cost. This marketing technique is being used on a large scale today. This includes social media marketing, Google advertising, and other types of marketing techniques.
  5. New Marketing Methods: Today we have more options for marketing than we could have ever imagined. A good website development company can do this for you. We can easily promote our business by writing blogs and articles. In this, the cost is almost negligible and we get its return many times more. We can grow our business rapidly by using influencer marketing, video marketing, content marketing, and other viral marketing techniques.The biggest giant platforms like YouTube Google Facebook are also only a website. It has become so much advanced and big that after understanding all our problems, it is capable of giving us solutions accordingly. In such a situation it becomes very important that you find a good web design agency and do your business online. This increases the chances of your business growing manifold.


By reading all these changes, you must have understood that in the last 20 years from the beginning till now, the technology of creating websites has brought a change. Not only in our lives, but today’s website has become much more modern, advanced, and good-looking as compared to the early stages. If you also want to represent your business online, then we can help you with this. We are the leading website development company in India. We will design a modern Google-friendly website for you so that your business will pick up speed very fast. If you also want to take your business to the next level then contact us today.