A website is not just a group of interconnected pages. It is a space and an interface that works as the web presence of an individual or a company. It helps businesses to connect with their customers through the internet.

This digital interaction makes an intuitive experience for the users. As a web designer, it is your job to create an easy-to-use and highly interactive experience for website users.

Forrester’s studies show that a well-designed UI can increase the conversion rate by 200%. And an improved UX (User Experience) can increase the conversion rate by up to 400%. So, designing a user-friendly and convenient website is vital to make it profitable and valuable for your business.

UI is not a one-time design like UX as it requires frequent improvements as per users’ demand and competition. So, if you have an old-fashioned app that is not convenient and attractive for users, you can’t sustain yourself in the market.

There are several ways UI designers can improve their skills to enhance the UI of the website; however, we have described the top 9 tips to quickly improve your UI design. Keep reading.


  1. Build the elements more appealing and definedUse a very subtle border, or a variety of drop shadows, around significant elements to build those elements look more defined, a little sharper, attractive, and assist avoid blur shadows.
  2. Create a UI kitYou should make UI kits from scratch as it will assist you to know the key principles such as how you can manage design structure, design files, and the consistency of your website design. It will help you get a quick experience of the design. Keep in mind that you have to create a dedicated UI kit that works perfectly for you.
  3. Ask for feedbackIt is never a good deal to overjudge your designs. As a professional UI designer, you need to share your work with others and permit them to review it. Moreover, you can also share your work with other designers to find out the loopholes in your designs and make the improvements accordingly.
  4. Frame a better contrast between images and text; however, keep it simpleRelying on where the text should be placed over the image, you can either opt for a tested and tried subtle gradient overlay or a full image overlay to achieve a convenience between the two elements.
  5. Set expectationsLots of interaction with the apps or websites has residuals; tapping a button can mean making a disappearing comment, erasing a website, or spending money. So be sure about the actions performed with the buttons. It is good to follow this procedure throughout the design process.
  6. Make your icons consistent and stylishWhile implementing Icons in your web design UI, you have to make it stylish and consistent. Expert designers always keep the required things in mind while framing icons. Never mix and match the things. Be unique to be unique.
  7. Use white spaceWhite space plays a vital role in UI designs and increases the click-through rates because it enables the users to read/scan the available data on the web page without any background chaos. So, keeping decent ‘White Space’ in the UI helps you generate more leads and improve conversion rate.
  8. Persuasive CTA part of your UI designOn websites, CTA (Click-to-Action) are generally buttons. CTAs assist users to take action on your website and get the results as per their need. Therefore, these buttons should be highly persuasive. If CTAs on your website is unclear, you will lose your users. Moreover, you should focus on the color of the CTA button.
  9. Motion and animationUsing motion and animation on the website is essential. It helps us communicate ideas and emotions in an easy-to-perceive, unique way that every age-group user can understand. Attractive animations help you connect with people worldwide in a way that sometimes live-action, text, and writing firms cannot.

Final thoughts

UI (User Interface) design is the key to making a website attractive and sustainable in the market. A well-designed UI is about designing the pages according to business niche, trends, and users’ behavior. In this writing, we have described the top 9 points you should keep in mind while designing UI. These tips will help you improve your UI designs quickly and effortlessly.